chocolate or sinus medicine. that's all that will cure it. sometimes.
When you have a headache what is your medicine of choice?symphony
OTC...excedrin migraine
When you have a headache what is your medicine of choice?performing arts center opera theater
Hmmm, Goodys for a regular one, Excedrine Migraine for the migraines or if it's a really bad migraine, I go to the darkest room, turn of anything that makes noise, cover my face with a wet towel. Sometimes it hurts to keep my eyes open or closed, so that's when passing out comes in handy.
Aleve or what ever I have on hand....
brick wall
Since I have been getting headaches for about 13 years now, and had a breast reduction to try and stop them, and it didn't work, I know have to take Vicodin EX for the rest of my life WOOHOO! I also eat lots and lots of BC powders. Because the Vics don't get ride of the pain they just put me in a state for about 30 minutes that I don't care. But if I catch it early enough. 2 to 3 BC's will do the trick.
Another margarita
Excedrin. It works every time.
Excedrin...always does the trick!
Advil and, if I can, sleep
Sex with hubby.............he can always cure it!
controlled substances..must be administered by doctor
not really, advil works well
ibuprofen or acetampinophen.
personally, i prefer advil.
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