Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sore legs, every day headache, arms pain, back Pain...please help!?

I am 19 years old and I am suffering from hypochondria. I also suffer from a constant phobia of HIV. I am a virgin, waiting for marriage. I have never ever ever used IV drugs, and my parents are completely healthy.

I am worried that these pains could be a cause of this. Is it HIV???

If it isn't HIV, I also suffer from sinuses all year round. Could it be this?

Also, I am at constant worry with health awareness, I am stressing out every single day, there hasn't been a single day in the past 1 and a half years that HIV hasn't crossed my mind.

Could stressing out be a cause to this as well?

I also don't get a lot of sleep most of the time.

Are my body aches HIV?????

Sore legs, every day headache, arms pain, back Pain...please help!?opera music

Dear Bearkat,

I am sorry that you are going through this right now. I know it must be very scarey and overwhelming.

Regarding your fear of HIV/AIDS, the only way to know for sure is to have a blood test done. It can be done without any one else finding out and it is the best and only way to know for sure. However, you said you are a virgin and have not used needles/drugs so your would not have contracted the virus. But you should really have the test done so you can put your fears to rest and focus on seeking treatment for your hypochondria.

Now, I want to highly recommend you see a doctor regarding your symptoms. Because the sore legs, headaches, arm pain, back pain are indicative of certain medical conditions. The only way to get a proper diagnosis and answer is for you to see a doctor. They can run some bloodwork and give you a full diagnosis and answer. So please do not put this off.

I sincerely wish the very best for you. I hope you will seek out proper treatment for your hypochondria because the therapist can offer you such great help and treatment that will allow you to rest at night and also not feel so stressed out. There is help out there available to you. I pray you will take it.

Sore legs, every day headache, arms pain, back Pain...please help!?opera sheet music opera theater

WHY, do You come on Yahoo Answers to ask

questions, you should be asking your DOCTOR ?

You need to see Your Doctor - ASAP to help with

your medical problems. I don't think many Doctors

have time to read YAHOO ANSWERS. I can't help
you could not possibly have HIV unless u had intercourse otherwise other possible activities with close encounter with a man. some of these symptoms explains alittle but not entirely. did you go tot he doctor? lets see what other people has to say about this . good luck!

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