just wondering!
Can dogs have a headache?theatre tickets
As do humans. Similar physiology.
Depends on how obnoxious the owner is : )
Can dogs have a headache?opera house opera theater
Absolutely! They are not that different from us. Their limbs can fall asleep if they lay weird, they get diabetes, the same things hurt them that hurt us.
well sort of.when dogs have headaches,when you look at them, it looks like they still want to play with you.weird..=\
I'm sure they can but, how would you know? A dog would not display any outward sign that it was having something as minor as a headache. Why? Well because it is instinctive for a dog to hide all disabilities just to keep a predator from discovering an advantage.
i guess any head can hurt.
Possibly but wot makes you fink so ???
Good question!
I don't know. I have never asked one.
Seriously, according to their physical make up, it would be illogical to think that a dog was not capable of headache. So, though I cannot confirm from difinitive answer from the species, my opinion of the answer would be a resounding...
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