Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Have a HUGE headache. i dont normally get these. it could be the weather.. its not the computer, c

its never happened before like this. the weather is EXTREMELY cold. is this why? i took pills and its still not gone.. its really making me mad. help!

I Have a HUGE headache. i dont normally get these. it could be the weather.. its not the computer, cause..?paramount theater

i just read where it said if you ever get the feeling like you have the worst headache you have ever had and the regular methods do nothing get to emergency asap. it could stop a stroke. also, if it stressed out eye tension then try used wet tea bags or cucumber slices on each eye for 10 or so minutes. this should help alot

I Have a HUGE headache. i dont normally get these. it could be the weather.. its not the computer, cause..?theatre opera theater

Where is the headache located? Is it associated with any other symptom like feeling like a rubber band is being strectched around our head? Do you have access to a blood pressure cuff? Are you nauseated, feeling light-headed? If this headache doesn't subside, you need to seek medical professional help. A severe headcahe unlrelieved by any medication, "worse headache in your life", may be associated with impending stroke.

If you have been out in the cold, you may have gotten some sinus problems...the sinuses over the eyes are commonly associated with cold headaches. At any rate, don't fool around with a your doctor, and don't let him or the nurse put you off.
It is genneraly normal to get one or two headachs in a week. If this is new or if it happens frequently see your doctor.
Headache is a pain in the head, scalp or neck. Headaches can be

caused by minor problems like eyestrain, lack of coffee or more

serious reasons like head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and

meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can have harmful side

effects, so it is better to modify your lifestyle. More information

available at
weather can have an effect this is general information --

#1 drink about 1/2 gallon of water per day - the head of neurorology at UCDavis (about 10 years ago) likened a car low on oil to a body low on water (engine siezing up).

#2 Daily muscle relaxer (1 or 2 swigs of molasses or 1 or 2 bananas) they contain magnesium and potassium.

#3 Massage therapy - professional or read The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Davies (it teaches you how). The principle that causes the headaches regardless of how severe is that muscles get knots (trigger points), which make the muscles stay tight, which press on nerves.

Your back, shoulders, neck and everywhere on your head will definitely play into the cause and it will take a while to get all the trigger points to go away.

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