Saturday, December 5, 2009

I have a sinus headache almost every day! What is the best homeopathic remedy to reduce swelling and

I can sympathize with you! My sister does some type of sinus "wash" every night and says it really works. You use some type of container that you buy at the pharmacy and literally "wash" out your sinuses. It's ENT approved. You might check out your pharmacy %26amp; ask the pharmacist about it. If you don't want to do that, you can do a saline mist spray that works too.

I have a sinus headache almost every day! What is the best homeopathic remedy to reduce swelling and pain?plays

You failed to specify whether or not you have congestion along with the swelling and pain.

If so, here's what I consider to be a true miracle homeopathic remedy:

Get either some Wasabe horseradish powder [available at any Asian food market], or a tube of prepared Wasabe horseradish [available at most major supermarkets] - the Wasabe powder is much cheaper.

Take a teaspoonful of the powder, and mix it with just enough cold water to form a paste approximately the consistency of toothpaste.

Next, take a portion of the paste about the size of a large pea and smash it against the roof of your mouth with your tongue.

Within ten seconds your sinuses will be completely clear, watering like crazy, and your headache will begin to dissipate.

This remedy has two major advantages:

The first is that you can use it as many times a day as you wish. Since it is a foodstuff rather than a "medication", you aren't restricted to taking it only every four to six hours as is the case with most OTC or prescription medications.

The second is that while the horseradish is "hot" and will make you pop a sweat while it clears your sinuses, it is fast acting and of short duration. The "heat" rolls over you in a wave, and then fades immediately. It doesn't make your mouth burn for hours after taking. But boy, does it EVER clear out your sinuses!

I have a sinus headache almost every day! What is the best homeopathic remedy to reduce swelling and pain?opera ticket opera theater

Well, sudaphed. But i wouldn't want to take that everyday. You probably have allergies or you strain your eyes everyday. I get them everyday too, but i strain my eyes constantly and i'm constantly paying attention. I usually lay down with an ice pack or heat pack on my sinuses, i turn the lights low and close my eyes. This usually helps.
Ground Ivy
You can buy a bottle of mustard oil. All you have to do is boil some of it and add some little pieces of garlic cut minutely. Now apply them on your forehead and massage gently, this will help in getting rid of headache. If you have problems like cold, then get a handfull of cloves and boil them in hot water. When you smell the cloves, just take some of it and rub it near your nose and put a few drops of them into your nostrills.
Lots and lots of water will help. Also, any sort of decongestant will probably help with the congestion that is causing the pain and feelings of swollenness.

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