Saturday, December 5, 2009

Any tablet or pill (without side effects )to get rid of headache ?

These few days i get headaches daily in the evening .

I feel so sick %26amp; don't feel like eating anything.

I don't know what's the reason.

Thanks for your kind response :)

Any tablet or pill (without side effects )to get rid of headache ?violin

"Diclowin Plus" has no side effects.



Any tablet or pill (without side effects )to get rid of headache ?chinese theater opera theater

u should go to homeopathic shop and get bio comination 12 and use qid, bryonia 1m a dose .it will solve ur work
Better go to doctor,because your septum's are far sickness.Pleases take medicines his advise.
if it just randomly started like this i'd go see a doctor and he/she can subscibe the right medicine cause there are different types of headaches...

good luck [:
If you get headache not go for self medication it is very dangerous. Dont ask any medical shop seller or your friends or relatives. The body constitution differ from person to person so medician also differ from person to person.So for a small thing also consult a doctor, qualified.
Hi there,

Tab Meftal 500 mg (also called as Ponstan) has been found to be very safe and non-toxic .

It is a safe analgesic /anti-inflammatory.

paracetamol (crocin/metacin/panadol) etc has been found to be "hepatotoxic" after a particular dosage of tablets.

Ibuprofen , in few cases , has created "bone marrow depression".

So, of the lot, "meftal" has been found to be the most safe analgesic /antipyretic/anti inflammatory.

best wishes.
Pl try simple acupressure given below for immediate relief. For cure you will have to follow acupuncture.

There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for RA, OA, Back ache and almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.

Acidity, WORRY, sadness, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation; drug side effects, stress, bad smell, TV %26amp; COMPUTER SOMETIMES, Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy, BODY CONSTITUTION etc are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine %26amp;H/A confirms it.

Acupuncture is the best treatment.

I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.

Pain killers don't treat the pain but we loose the sense of pain for some time; in that duration our body itself treats sometime and credit goes to meds.

The useless drugs have tremendous power of side effects like liver/kidney failures, ulcer, inflammation of intestines and lot more.

Avoid late sleeping if possible; worry, tension, spicy foods, sour fruits, stale bakery foods, SMOKING and alcohole.

Sweet foods, COCOANUT WATER,sweet fruits, milk, rice, SPROUTS, SALADS and good sleep will help if cough is not there.

But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it is very strong.

If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.

For forehead/eye pain the points are in front of nails on the finger tips or 3-7 mm below.

It may disappear naturally too.



R.H. 19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.
better consult a physician. u will get sure side effects by asking to everyone.
give pension to tension
look up pressure points on your hand that will really help your headache fast.

The web between your thumb and index finger is the most common place for a headache
There is no medication invented as yet which is not without side effects. That is why you need a good doctor, as key to proper treatment is proper diagnosis and use of the most effective medicine with least possible side effects, i.e., risk versus benefit. Now headache it self is a very big subject in Medicine and Neurology and have a whole lot of diverse reasons. The safest time tested medication if you are not allergic to it is Tylenol but it is better to consult your doctor
continuous head ache is the signal of some other disease in your body.

how ever if u r in India plain crocin tablet is the thing which will not have any side effect
Sounds like you have more going on than just a headache. Sounds like a viral infection. You should see your Dr. Other than that plenty of clear fluids is a must. Most headaches occur due to lack of water/fluids around the brain. Hope you feel better!
I usually take ib profen and it always works for me...never noticed any side effects to it
Most probably you have migraine. Painkillers are of no use in this case. Take res
Take Shirashooladri Vajra Ras an ayurvedic pill 1-0-1 for about a week.
Parcetemol hun..its the only one i can take..
I've been pondering your question and I think you should probably see your doctor to determine what's causing it. Different types of headaches are treated differently. You might want to keep a diary of things you are eating/doing in the afternoon to help determine what's causing it (could it be something you are eating?) Are you currently taking any medication for the headaches? Something that could be happening is called rebound headaches, which basically means that when the medication wears off, the headache is back and sometimes worse than it was to begin with. Another thing that came to mind is eye strain. Do you wear glasses? You might need to have your eyes examined because this can certainly cause headaches, and especially in the evenings when your eyes are tired. Like I said before, the problem with just taking a pill is that 1) it isn't solving the problem and 2) rebound headaches, which are a nightmare. Hope this helps. I've had many headaches over the years. :(

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