Thursday, December 10, 2009

I am 3 weeks late 24 days altogether late, and i have have 3 neg. pregnancy test.?

I have been getting the feeling of getting my period for about most of those 3 wks. I'm not sure what to think yet my mate totally thinks i am and so many family members think so to but after 3 neg. tests I dont think I am at all. But to say the least I have been sleeping more, and my boobs hurt every other day and feel a little fuller, I also get headaces more, at least 3 times a day. I have no idea what to think or what to do I need just a little help, what do you think i should do????

I am 3 weeks late 24 days altogether late, and i have have 3 neg. pregnancy test.?opera score

Take another test first thing when you get up. The HGC levels are higher in the first urine of the day. If that is negative, go see a doc.

I am 3 weeks late 24 days altogether late, and i have have 3 neg. pregnancy test.?musicals opera theater

It could be stress, see your doctor asap it could lead to something very serious
Go to the doctor!
Go to the Doctor. They will find out for sure.
Go to the gyn to make sure. They can provide a more sophisticated test. And if that's negative, they can run tests. Hope everything works out for you.
where did you buy the preg.test?? and what kind sometimes some arent accurate its either your pregnant or the reason to you feeling that way is because the way your body reacts many females including me get late periods even after months n get those reactions but try going to a doctor
I think you should get a doctor to do a test. Your body may not have high enough pregnancy hormone levels yet to read as positive. If you are pregnant, you need to know NOW. If you're not, you need to find out why you're feeling so bad.
I think its in your best interest to set up an appointment with your OB/GYN... They can do the blood test to check. And figure out whats going on with your bod.

Best of luck and try to relax until you can get an appointment. Stressing is no good... pregnant or not.
My pregnancy test didnt show postitive till I was 3Months pregnant , I took 5 tests. I had a misscarriage at 5 months i would go see the doctar you could be preganant and something is wrong that could be fixed now I wish i would have.
go to your doctor if over the counter preg test are coming up negative blood and urine test will confirm i just recently found out i was when i kept feeling nauseous and sick all the time, my breast were sore the week before and i had not had a period in a month i never thought in a million years i would be but i was
Could be stress, but wait another week, if still negative, call your doctor, they may be able to give you a reason for why you are late, I had that happen once, they told me it was due to stress.
It could be a blighted ovum,which is when an implantation occurs but no baby develops.In this case the hormone level usually is too low to detect a pregnancy and would explain the negative test results.Please go to your doctor to be safe and sure!!!!

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