Thursday, December 10, 2009

I have a bad headache?

i have been experencing a headchache for 3 days

what should i do

I have a bad headache?globe theater

if you have tried a headache pain reliever and have gotten no relief....I would suggest you seek medical attention.

I have a bad headache?oper opera theater

first go 2 a doctor to see wats up. or maybe you fretting about something.stress causes headaches,. but still check with your doctor.
Aspirin or Panadol will work great for head-aches. Get some rest. No coffee or tea. Avoid stress. If the head-ache persists, go to the doctor. There is a lot of reason for headaches. Rotting tooth maybe a cause. Get well soon.
that happened to me before and usually if you already took some medicine and you wake up and you still have it thats bad so go to your doctor and ask for midrin, its really good you take it as soon as your headache starts so it wont get worse or last for days and its not a narcotic so you can stay up when you take it.
could be sinus headach or allergy headach.. try taking some sever allergy and sinus headach. medicin it work wonders. if that does not work try going and seeing ur doctor.

i suffer from headachs all the time
Sounds like a migraine. Have you been to the doctor? If not you should go and be checked out as soon as you can just to be sure there is nothing serious wrong with you.

I suffer from migraines also. My advice is to close your curtains and blinds so the room is dark and rest with a cool wet washcloth over your eyes and forehead. Excedrin migraine helps alot also. It's definately the best over the counter medicine you can take for a headache. Good luck, I hope you feel better soon. Headaches are horrible to live with.
It's probably seasonal.. Take something similar to Tylenol Allergy Sinus and see if it improves. It you begin sneezing or coughing colored phlegm then call the dr!
Drink a little bit of vinegar. You may have high blood pressure. Vinegar is good for a headache even if you don't have high blood pressure. Hope you feel better soon.

Also- may be a sinus infection.
Dark room, icepack on back of neck.
I get migraines as so does my mothers side of the family. They all have perscriptions for medication. If I feel one coming on, and I have to catch it before it gets into a full blown state or its hopeless. I find the only thing that works for me is Anacin, for some reason. I've just about taken everything that is over the counter. Vicks on the forhead and a tight rag tied tight is my grandmothers ole home remedy, and it gives some relief until my aspirin starts working. Of course don't go out in public looking or smelling like this. lol
when a headache last more then 3 days it can be a migraine or somethen more serious.u really should see a dr so then can refer u 2 a specialist. u can try excedrin migraine if that doesnt work see the dr
Me too. Turns out to be a sinus and ear infection. Needed antibiotics. See a dr.
i am a doctor and this is what you should do 4 headaches

take the recommended dose of paracetomol or solouble asprin

drink plenty of water or non alcholic clear fluid

have a warm bath to relieve tension

rest in a quiet darkened room

consult your doctor i such measures fail to reduce pain
Use some midol
Is it hot where you live? Usually that can cause them. Unless you hit your head on something. Owww...that hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have anymore questions, e-mail me at
go to the doc. get an Rx. Imatrex spray for the nose works well.
Not enough sleep

Not eating well or not eating at all

Stress out

Caffeine with-drawl/smoking

I would take Excedrin Migraine. It helps for any sort of head ache.
try to take 2tylennol extra strengh every 4hrs(no missing time)..take a very hot bath, and go take a nap...u should get better.
Me too! I'm sure it's nothing. I don't need to see a doctor about it.

I'll be fine soo........................................

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